The Traitors Wiki

Valérie Trierweiler (née Massonneau) is a Faithful in Les Traîtres (France)/Season 3.


Retrieved and translated from M6:

Journalist for 35 years, my job will be an advantage for this game because I am used to questioning and investigating. I abhor betrayal because I have suffered from it in my life, the role of Traitor would be difficult for me to manage. But I remain a woman of challenges and I intend to foil the traps of this diabolical game.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4 Murdered - Episode 4
Traitors' Decision N.A.
Survived Survived Murdered
Armoury Visit/Shield Mission No Lost No N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Jean-Christophe Emy N.A.
Voted With Group? Yes Yes
Votes Received - -




  1. (FRLes Traîtres Saison 3 | M6 — July 23, 2024
Les Traîtres (France)/Season 3 Contestants
FR3 Arthur Lombard Icon
FR3 Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch Icon
FR3 Bruno Hourcade Icon
FR3 Bruno Solo Icon
FR3 Carla Lazzari Icon
FR3 Studio Danielle Icon
FR3 Emy LTR Icon
FR3 Frédérique Bel Icon
FR3 Gwendal Marimoutou Icon
FR3 Hugo Manos Icon
FR3 Jean-Christophe Bouvet Icon
FR3 Julie Ferrier Icon
FR3 Laly Meignan Icon
FR3 Laurent Ruquier Icon
FR3 Maxime Mermoz Icon
FR3 Romain Puértolas Icon
FR3 Crazy Sally Icon
FR3 Stomy Bugsy Icon
FR3 Sylvie Tellier Icon
FR3 Valérie Trierweiler Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful