The Traitors Wiki

Sarah Antonia Short is a Faithful from The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2.

Sarah started off on the wrong foot when she spread rumours that Elias Nohra was a Traitor from a conversation with Paeden Bennetts, which quickly put her on the chopping block because the Faithfuls believed that Sarah was a Traitor at the first Banishment. However, she narrowly escaped Banishment when Annabel Fidler successfully accused Corinne Martell instead, believing that Sarah's messy gameplay was actually contradictory to being a Traitor. This in turn made her avoid being Banished throughout the season, as the group constantly believed that she was a Faithful.

However, her indecision and cluelessness led her to ally with Traitor Sam McGlone, constantly being convinced by him at Round Tables that he was not a Traitor and Banishing his Faithful targets instead. Plans to Banish Sam would often fall apart as Sarah being swayed at Round Tables led the others to back down due to risk aversion. This ultimately gave an advantage to the Traitors, who decided not to Murder her as she was a ready pawn. She found herself the last remaining Faithful in the group after having Banished the others at each Round Table, with Sam, Blake Willoughby and Camille Chicheportiche deciding to ice her out and go to the end with each other. She ended up leaving the game with a streak of nine Banishment votes against Faithfuls, the longest current streak in the Australian franchise.


Retrieved from 10 play:

A clinical psychotherapist who has also worked in the prison system, Sarah has been around all types of people and heard all types of stories. As the one people usually trust and tell their issues to, she’s excited to have the opportunity to play deviously.

While she won’t be telling her fellow players her real job, Sarah plans to make up a fake career to keep them off her scent. She says, “I don’t want them to know I can sniff out crap. When people meet me, they either love me and my energy or other people think I’m too much. I need to be playing myself but a little bit vanilla.”

Saying she’ll use her “spidey senses” to get a read on people, Sarah works on gut instinct and hopes it will keep her in the know.

Sarah says if she gets all the way and wins the silver, she’ll spend the prize money to pay for her mother’s knee replacement surgery and take her fiancée Sharon on a holiday to Santorini.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Banished: Episode 9
Traitors' Decision N.A.
Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived N.A.
Armoury Visit/Shield Mission No N.A.
No Yes Lost No No Lost N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Corinne Gyton Camille Ian Annabel Simone Keith Gloria Liam Sam
Voted With Group? Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Votes Received Ash, Elias, Hannah, Keith, Luke, Paul, Roha & Sam - Hannah Camille - - - - - Blake, Camille & Sam




  1. Sarah | 10 play — August 6, 2023
The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2 Contestants
AU2 Anjelica Whitelaw Icon
AU2 Annabel Fidler Icon
AU2 Ash Pollard Icon
AU2 Blake Willoughby Icon
AU2 Camille Chicheportiche Icon
AU2 Corinne Martell Icon
AU2 Elias Nohra Icon
AU2 Gloria Rono Icon
AU2 Gyton Grantley Icon
AU2 Hannah Ferrier Icon
AU2 Ian Zaro Icon
AU2 Keith Banks Icon
AU2 Liam Davern Icon
AU2 Luke Toki Icon
AU2 Paeden Bennetts Icon
AU2 Paul de Gelder Icon
AU2 Roha Taiapa Icon
AU2 Sam McGlone Icon
AU2 Sarah Short Icon
AU2 Simone Williams Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful