The Round Table is a large round table which has three main functions:
- Where the host decides the initial Traitors
- The venue of the Banishment ceremony where the Faithfuls discuss, and eventually, vote to banish one of their own whom they believe to be a Traitor.
- In wet weather the final End Game takes place here in versions where it usually takes place outside.
The Round Table is the staple of the show in most versions, with the logo of the franchise being an icon of the Round Table design.
At the beginning of each season, the new contestants first arrive at the Round Table, where the host chooses the Traitors while they are blindfolded, by gently tapping them on the shoulder.[1]
From the second episode onwards, the contestants visit the Round Table at the end of each day where they will try to successfully identify a Traitor among them and banish them from the game. Due to the format of these banishments, this requires the Traitors to eventually turn on each other, usually key to a successful banishment. The contestants do not banish on the first night. After banishment, the eliminated player reveals to the remaining contestants if they were a Faithful or a Traitor, after a short speech about their time on the show.
As premiered on a stormy night on Series 2 of the UK version, the final End Game also takes place at the Round Table if it is not able to be played outside.
Tie votes[]
In a case of a tie, a revote takes place with the only options of voting being the tied contestants, with the tied contestants not voting except in the cases that follow:
- In the first season of the Belgium (Wallonia) version, in the revote on the second tie vote of the season, only the person that did not vote for a tied contestant was able to vote on that revote, with the only options of voting being the tied contestants;
- As seen in the first season of the Portugal version, if after a revote the tie continues, the tied contestants become ineligible to be voted for and a new revote takes place, without the possibilty of voting for the previous tied contestants; if the new revote is also a tie, the same process takes place again; if after the revotes there are only 2 contestants left, a last vote takes place, if this last vote is also a tie there is no revote, and the contestant with the most previous votes, including previous revotes, is eliminated;
- As seen in the second season of the US version, if in the final 3, there is a tie, every contestant can vote for any contestant