The Traitors Wiki

Roha Taiapa is a Faithful from The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2.

Roha came to the Traitors with an over-the-top personality in every Breakfast and Mission, and an unique fashion sense that made him memorable in the game. However, his friendship with Hannah Ferrier caused Traitor Sam McGlone to hatch a plan: by Murdering Roha, Hannah would be isolated and then she would be consoled by Sam, so that she would eventually trust him and believe him to be a Faithful. Therefore, the Traitors decided to Murder him in Episode 5.


Retrieved from 10 play:

Roha is a born entertainer, being a self-taught dancer and now a creative director for a dance studio. He is a personality you cannot miss.

He also works in luxury fashion so is excited to bring some hot looks to The Traitors hotel. He will use his fashion skills to spot a potential enemy saying, “I can spot an untrustworthy person if they wear all black shoes with white socks. That is a fashion no-no! Do not come at me if you are wearing black shoes and white socks, it’s giving school kid.”

Being a dancer, Roha is very in tune with his body. Body language will be an important element for him to be able to read people and hopes to use these skills to his advantage. And while he believes he’d make a great Traitor, he won’t shy away from hunting them down if he’s a Faithful.

He says, “If I’m a Faithful, Traitors this is a message for you – you better sleep with one eye open because I’m watching your every move, every outfit, everything you say. I’m coming for you.”[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4 5 Murdered: Episode 5
Traitors' Decision N.A.
Survived Survived Survived Survived Murdered
Armoury Visit/Shield Mission No N.A.
Yes Yes No N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Sarah Gyton Sam Liam N.A.
Voted With Group? No Yes No No
Votes Received - - - -




  1. Roha | 10 play — August 6, 2023
The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2 Contestants
AU2 Anjelica Whitelaw Icon
AU2 Annabel Fidler Icon
AU2 Ash Pollard Icon
AU2 Blake Willoughby Icon
AU2 Camille Chicheportiche Icon
AU2 Corinne Martell Icon
AU2 Elias Nohra Icon
AU2 Gloria Rono Icon
AU2 Gyton Grantley Icon
AU2 Hannah Ferrier Icon
AU2 Ian Zaro Icon
AU2 Keith Banks Icon
AU2 Liam Davern Icon
AU2 Luke Toki Icon
AU2 Paeden Bennetts Icon
AU2 Paul de Gelder Icon
AU2 Roha Taiapa Icon
AU2 Sam McGlone Icon
AU2 Sarah Short Icon
AU2 Simone Williams Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful