The Traitors Wiki

Linda Rands is an Original Traitor in The Traitors (UK)/Series 3.


Retrieved from BBC:

Age: 70
Occupation: Retired Opera Singer
Location: Hertfordshire

Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
I watched the two series, and I thought, do you know what? I think I could do that. And it was in a mad moment that I looked it up on the internet and saw there was a form to apply, and I thought, I'm just going to apply, let's just see, never knowing that it would go this far. So yes, I love the show. I'm absolutely into it. I love the psychological game. I like the whole idea of fooling people.

What did you think of the previous series? Was there anyone’s game plan you admired?
Absolutely amazing. The thing is, when you sit at home looking at it, you're going, ‘oh, come on, you must realise this!’ But being on it, I think it's going to be a whole different ballgame, I tell you. In terms of a game plan I admired, it has to be Harry’s of course. I mean, he won it! He was brilliant right from the start. At one point I thought he got a little bit too confident towards the end, and I thought that might bring him down, but it didn’t! And I thought he played a brilliant game. Absolutely brilliant.

What do you think you'll bring to the game?
Well, I'm older, obviously, so I’ve maybe got more experience. I think I'm quite good at convincing people of things that aren't true! And I think I've got quite a funny personality, so I’ll bring a bit of fun! Sometimes I can be a bit of an airhead too, so I might try and use that to my advantage!

Do you have a game plan?
Well, it links to what I said before. I do have a game plan, and that's to be a little bit airheaded and to play on the being older, and also to be a mother figure. I’ve realised watching the previous series, you have to be prepared to be flexible and to change depending on the people who are around you.

What are you like playing games with friends and family? Are you competitive?
I am pretty competitive, usually when money's involved!

Do you think you’ll be good at the Missions? What strengths do you think you might bring to them?
I'm apprehensive about them because, having watched them, I mean, I'm 70, not 17, and some of them are pretty physical things! I don't want to let my side down, so yes, I'm a little bit apprehensive about that but hey, I can only do what I can do!

If you are a Traitor, how do you think you'll feel?
I think I'd be excited, because I quite like the idea of being a Traitor, because I quite like lying! So, I think I would quite like to be a Traitor!

Would you say you’ve got a good poker face?
Oh yes, definitely.

If you are a Traitor, how far are you prepared to go to win the game?
Again, if there’s money involved, which there is, I can be ruthless.

If you're a Faithful, what do you think your game plan would be?
I don't mind being a Faithful either. I'm okay with that in some ways. I think being a Faithful is easier because you are able to be more yourself and the only thing you have to fear is being murdered. So, in some ways, I think it's calmer being a Faithful. That said, I just know that I quite like the idea of being a Traitor!

How good are you at spotting a liar?
I'm pretty intuitive with things like that. However, I can say that, but if people are really good it could get tricky. If they drop little things, I might be able to pick up on that.

If you are a Faithful, what qualities do you think you're going to need to make it through to the final?
Well, you need to be able to spot a Traitor, for a start, that would be a good one! I think also getting people on your side, but equally, that's the same if you’re a Traitor. I mean, you have to get people on your side who think that you are a Faithful, so I think it's the same in a way, you have to play it the same way. It's like Harry said, he just considered himself a Faithful all the way through.

If you win the prize money, what do you think you'll spend it on?
I’d pay off my sister's mortgage. And then I’d like to do something similar to how I celebrated my 70th birthday – I took my family to a mansion house for a weekend and we had a private chef and it was really fabulous. So, I’d like to do something else like that and then after that I’d take all my friends on a really great holiday.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 1-2 2 3 4 5 6 7 Banished: Episode 7
Traitors' Decision Chosen with Armani & Minah Murder Yin Murder Keith N.A.
Murder Maia Recruit Anna
Murder Livi Murder Fozia
Shield Wins N.A.
Won Shield Lost Lost Won Shield N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Jake Elen Jake Anna Tyler Fozia Alexander
Voted With Group? No Yes No No Yes No No
Votes Received Elen, Jake, Nathan & Tyler Elen - - - Alexander, Charlotte, Jake & Joe Charlotte, Freddie, Jake, Joe, Leanne, Leon & Minah


The Traitors (UK)/Series 3 Contestants
UK3 Alex Oleksy Icon
UK3 Alexander Dragonetti Icon
UK3 Anna Duke Icon
UK3 Armani Gouveia Icon
UK3 Charlotte Berman Icon
UK3 Dan Bird Icon
UK3 Elen Wyn Icon
UK3 Fozia Fazil Icon
UK3 Francesca Rowan-Plowden Icon
UK3 Freddie Fraser Icon
UK3 Jack Marriner-Brown Icon
UK3 Jake Brown Icon
UK3 Joe Scott Icon
UK3 Kasim Ahmed Icon
UK3 Keith Stewart Icon
UK3 Leanne Quigley Icon
UK3 Leon Jackman Icon
UK3 Linda Rands Icon
UK3 Lisa Coupland Icon
UK3 Livi Deane Icon
UK3 Maia Gouveia Icon
UK3 Minah Shannon Icon
UK3 Nathan Khider Icon
UK3 Tyler Smith Icon
UK3 Yin Lü Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful