The Traitors Wiki

Kieran Tompsett is a Recruited Traitor in The Traitors (UK)/Series 1.


Retrieved from BBC:

Name: Kieran
Age: 42
Occupation: Solutions Consultant
Location: Hertfordshire

Why did you apply to be on this brand-new reality series? What interested you about the concept? I first heard about it on Instagram, and the way the show was described to me caught my interest. I've never done anything like this before ever, some TV shows would not be of interest to me whatsoever. However, this had a pretty cool twist and stood out for quite a few reasons. Firstly, the BBC are doing it and secondly, the format is new. My first initial reaction was... it sounds intriguing.

What’s your motivation for taking part? The prize is obviously in the background but for me, I've always wanted to do something with TV and sometimes fate deals you unusual cards, and here we are today. It’s something that’s always appealed to me, I've been around the block a bit. I've done sales for quite a long time and I used to run event management and so I'm used to dealing with people from all walks of life and characters on many different levels. I'm good at reading people, spotting situations, good at judging and also not judging. Nine times out of ten your gut gives you an intuition and I think my skill set in regards to reading people, gives me a strong mindset for the game.

Do you have a game plan? My game plan is to be myself, engage with as many people as I can, as quickly as I can. Try to have strength in numbers at the beginning and try not to blend into the background. That’s my natural character, I'm not going to sit there and be calm watching people, I talk to people, I engage with people, and I will hopefully charm and build some bonds straight away to eliminate the high risk of going out early. The strategy and game plan will adapt and evolve each day as things are put in front of us. You really can’t prepare for this, there's nothing else out there like it.

If you are a Traitor, how do you think you'll feel? I envisage you have a slight advantage at the beginning as a Traitor but you'd have a disadvantage as the game goes on. It's literally 50/50. The Traitors have more of an acting role and I don't mind that, I'm fully tuned in for both sides.

Would you say you've got a good poker face? Yeah, absolutely. I've got to for my job, I have to go and do pitches in boardrooms in front of people and demonstrate software there. I'll get people that are hard faced and people that dislike you, it's just the way life is. I’m going to be Marmite to some people and I have to turn them around on the spot. I’m used to reading body language, persona, aura, and all those sorts things.

If you are a Traitor, how far are you prepared to go to win the game? I'm prepared to do what's necessary. It's a game at the end of the day and as long as it comes across in the right manner and people remember that, then there's nothing vindictive about it. There will be twists and turns and they're going to be quite horrific but if it's done in the right manner, I think there's no problem. There's a lot I would do to keep a secret and go through to the end, but always bearing in mind that it is a game.

If you’re a Faithful, what kind of game plan would you have? You're on the back foot straightaway so I think strength in numbers. It's a really hard one for me because I'm an open character, I can't just go in there and sit back and watch, it's not in my nature to do that, which might make me a target. They might eliminate the person that's quite chatty, it depends on who the Traitors are and what pact they make. I've got a few things up my sleeve in regards to reading them and seeing body movements, eye contact, or lack of.

How good would you say you are at spotting a liar, do you think you'd make a good detective? I’ve got a knack for it, I'll be honest. However, there’s going to be some people with some really high skill sets from all walks of life. I can only do what I know and what my gut tells me.

If you are a Faithful, what qualities do you think you're going to need to make it through to the final? We've got to work as a team, we've got to listen to other people, if a few of us are getting a gut feeling then we've got to try and work on it. We must try not to let too much out early on, it’s a real delicate minefield to play the game as you don’t know who you’re talking to, I could be talking to a Traitor and giving them every single trick in the book.

If you do win the prize money, have you got any plans on what you would spend it on? I'd love to do some work on my house and I'd love to have a great holiday, we've not been on holiday since 2018 as a family. A nice family holiday would probably be the first thing to do.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4-5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10-11 12 Banished: Episode 12
Traitors' Decision Fake Eliminated Fake Eliminated Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Accepted Recruitment Murder Andrea N.A.
Armoury Visit N.A.
No No Yes Yes No N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote Wilfred Rayan No Vote
Theo Amanda Meryl Wilfred
Voted With Group? N.A.
No Yes Yes Yes No No
Votes Received N.A.
- - - - - Aaron, Hannah, Meryl & Wilfred



  • Kieran and Amos Ogunkoya are the first contestants to:
    • ever be Fake Eliminated from the competition,
    • and be immune from being eliminated over multiple rounds as a result.
  • Kieran is the first contestant in the franchise to:
    • To make the final day despite not having been in the game the entire time.
    • Receive a Traitors' Ultimatum.


  1. The Traitors - Meet the contestants | BBC Media Centre — November 25, 2022
The Traitors (UK)/Series 1 Contestants
UK1 Aaron Evans Icon
UK1 Aisha Birley Icon
UK1 Alex Gray Icon
UK1 Alyssa Chan Icon
UK1 Amanda Lovett Icon
UK1 Amos Ogunkoya Icon
UK1 Andrea Addison Icon
UK1 Claire Barratt Icon
UK1 Fay Greaves Icon
UK1 Hannah Byczkowski Icon
UK1 Imran Nasim Icon
UK1 Ivan Brett Icon
UK1 John McManus Icon
UK1 Kieran Tompsett Icon
UK1 Maddy Smedley Icon
UK1 Matt Harris Icon
UK1 Meryl Williams Icon
UK1 Nicky Wilding Icon
UK1 Rayan Rachedi Icon
UK1 Theo Mayne Icon
UK1 Tom Elderfield Icon
UK1 Wilfred Webster Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful