The Traitors Wiki

Harry Clark is an Original Traitor and the Winner of The Traitors (UK)/Series 2.

Coming across as a lovable and slightly dim-witted 'lad' to most of the cast, Harry concealed his intelligent and cut-throat side from the other contestants. He instantly struck up a close blokeish friendship with fellow Original Traitor Paul Gorton, with the two scheming to throw their other Traitors Ash Bibi and Miles Asteri under the bus while being popular with the Faithfuls. However, when Paul's overplaying started to catch up with him, Harry did not hesitate to backstab Paul as well, earning him a status as the group's 'hero'. Harry made several flawed but successful gambits, such as pretending the Traitors tried to Murder him but failed because he had the Shield while recruiting Ross Carson as a scapegoat in the meantime. This worked out because the group was so charmed by him that most cast members - including influential Faithfuls like Zack Davies - simply refused to consider him a Traitor, and the group were too exhausted by the endgame to work out any logical inconsistencies. A blind spot of his was keeping Faithful Jaz Singh around, which almost unravelled his game when the latter lobbed an eleventh-hour accusation at him at the final three. However, Mollie Pearce - who counted him as her closest friend in the game from the start - decided to change her vote and go with her heart despite almost casting a deciding vote against him, leading to him sealing his victory.


Retrieved from BBC:

Age: 22
Job title: British Army Engineer
Location: Slough

Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
I just thought it was a great opportunity. It’s a life changing experience and not many people get to say that they’ve been on TV! It will be such a great experience. Don’t get me wrong though, the money at the end would also be life-changing.

What did you think of the first series?
I don't normally watch much TV, but I got properly into the first series, I think I finished it within two days. I thought it was mental. It was good all around, so crazy to see how it can switch within a day. One minute you’re in the firing line then the next minute it switches over to someone else.

Was there anyone’s game plan you admired?
I liked Wilfred, obviously, he was great. But I think towards the end he sort of cracked and you could see that – he could have won it easily! I say easily, but I’ve never experienced it. Watching from the outside, the way he went about it was really good until the very end. I pretty much liked all of them, Hannah was really good too and in fact, all of the winners.

What do you think you'll bring to the game?
Laughter, I think. Happiness and being myself. I can approach anyone, talk for ages and chat someone's ear off. My Mum says it, I’m the clumsiest but smartest guy she’s ever met. When it comes to work, I know exactly what’s going on, but when it comes to actual life and the real world, I find something new out every day. Every day is a learning curve for me to be honest. I think I'll bring a chilled out energy to the group, the one who can escape it all and remember that it’s just a game. Morale, too. That’s something I do with my job now, I'm a big morale person. Even though it’s Monday, it’s a step closer to Friday, do you know what I mean? I’m one of those people.

Do you think you’ll be good at the missions and what strengths do you think you might bring to them?
Yeah, and I can't wait! The first skill I’d bring is definitely no fear. I have no fear. I find it funny because I say I have no fears but if a spider was crawling across me, I’d flip out. I’ve never had any fear; I'd jump from an aeroplane, skydive and jump off cliffs. I’ve done all of it at work so I'm sure I’ll be fine up in Scotland. I’m also used to working in teams and every day I’m in groups, whether they are big or small, trying to solve tasks, bouncing off each other. I think I’ll be really good at working out the strengths of people and putting them into positions that they’ll work best at.

If you are a Traitor, how do you think you'll feel?
Happy. 100%. I want to be a Traitor so bad! I know everyone says it, but I’ve always said I feel like I’ve got a Jekyll and Hyde in me where Monday to Friday I’m a Corporal and as soon as it hits Friday, I’m just Harry and I don’t want to think about work for the weekend. I also have five brothers and sisters so I can tell little white lies and I make myself believe them first and then it just becomes the truth.

Would you say you’ve got a good poker face?
Pretty much, I’m just always smiling! So, when I’m lying, I’m smiling but even when I’m telling the truth I’m smiling. I’d say I have a good poker face in that sense.

If you are a Traitor, how far are you prepared to go to win the game?
All the way, 100%. Traitor or Faithful, either way I’m going all the way to the end. I’m going in there to win it. Especially as a Traitor, I’ve already thought of how I would’ve handled situations from the last series. I’ve thought of everything. It sounds so bad, and I feel guilty already, but at the end of the day it’s a game and I’m sure everyone will be happy when it's all over. I’ll buy them a couple of drinks!

If you're a Faithful, what do you think your game plan would be?
It’s pretty simple, I’ll just be 100% honest. I’m going to have no lies, no secrets about my life, and instead, open up and speak about my life and my experiences. I think that’s where some people went wrong last time, they held a lot of things back. If you lie, even if you’re not a Traitor, you’re in such close proximity that the knowledge that you’re capable of lying might make them just assume you’re a Traitor anyway. If I’m just truthful then there’s never a situation where someone can call me out on anything I’ve said or start subconsciously thinking I’m a Traitor. So, my Faithful plan is to just be 100% Faithful about everything.

How good are you at spotting a liar?
In my day-to-day work, you obviously have some liars who say they’re feeling ill, but they’ve just been on the beers the night before. Someone’s lying and saying they’ve got this appointment here when they just can't be bothered to turn up to work. In everyday life I feel like I spot out liars, and in relationships as well. I’m a good talker for relationship advice for my mates, and I have sort of steered them in a direction where you can just tell if people are lying. You can tell the way people backtrack on things, they either add or subtract things from the story so it sounds like they’re covering something up. Last series you would see people backtrack or leave things out, like they have a girlfriend who is also on the show, it’s just crazy you know.

If you are a Faithful, what qualities do you think you're going to need to make it through to the final?
Strength, definitely. The one thing I have seen in the last series is that a lot of people broke down when they got accused of being a Traitor. That’s the main quality I think I would hold is that I have the strength in me to be able to say, “Look, you’re wrong and this is why you’re wrong. I’m 100% Faithful .” You need to be headstrong about being the game, it’s just a game, you’re not being horrible to people. I’m there to win at the end of the day. Especially if I’m a Faithful, I'm there to win it for all of us. When I’m playing as a Traitor, I’m playing for myself 100%, whether the Traitors are a group or not, I’m playing as the ultimate Traitor. As a Faithful it’s more of a team and I'll get to the finish line for them. I’ve lived like that a lot; I have brothers and sisters and I feel like I’m very much that big cuddly bear when it comes down to it. I want to be that person who takes everyone on my back so we can make it to the finish line. That’s what I want to take into the game, “Everyone, follow me, we’ll be alright, we’re going to make it and we will work it out.”

If you win the prize money, what do you think you'll spend it on?
I’ve been thinking about it, but I don’t have it all worked out or a cool answer to give. I’m still only 22. I think that my happiness really comes from making everyone around me happy, so I would want to use some of the money to treat my family and my girlfriend. The other thing is I would like to replace my car. On top of that, I’d also like to use it to start my new chapter in life.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3-4 4-5 5 6 7 8 9 9-10 11 12 Winner: Episode 12
Traitors' Decision Chosen with Ash & Paul Recruit Miles
Murder Aubrey Murder Kyra Condemn Andrew, Ash, Meg & Paul Murder Meg Murder Tracey Murder Diane Recruit Andrew
Murder Charlie Recruit Ross
Murder Zack N.A.
Shield Wins Won Shield Lost Lost N.A.
Lost Lost N.A.
Lost Won Shield Lost N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Zack Zack Ash Ash Jonny Zack Miles Paul Charlotte Ross Jasmine Evie Banish Again Andrew End Game Jaz
Voted With Group? No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Votes Received - - N.A.
- - - - - - - - - N.A.
Andrew N.A.



  • Harry unexpectedly became involved in "Traitors" after a casting agent, impressed by his TikTok dancing skills, reached out to him through social media. [2]


The Traitors (UK)/Series 2 Contestants
UK2 Andrew Jenkins Icon
UK2 Anthony Mathurin Icon
UK2 Ash Bibi Icon
UK2 Aubrey Emerson Icon
UK2 Brian Davidson Icon
UK2 Charlie Bees Icon
UK2 Charlotte Chilton Icon
UK2 Diane Carson Icon
UK2 Evie Morrison Icon
UK2 Harry Clark Icon
UK2 Jasmine Boatswain Icon
UK2 Jaz Singh Icon
UK2 Jonny Holloway Icon
UK2 Kyra Johnson Icon
UK2 Meg Corrick Icon
UK2 Miles Asteri Icon
UK2 Mollie Pearce Icon
UK2 Paul Gorton Icon
UK2 Ross Carson Icon
UK2 Sonja Clarke Icon
UK2 Tracey Griffin Icon
UK2 Zack Davies Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful