The Traitors Wiki

Camille Chicheportiche is a Recruited Traitor and the runner-up of The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2, along with Blake Willoughby and Sam McGlone.

Using her instincts as a former Federal Agent, Camille played the game with the Faithfuls as a Japanese Tour Guide and a Stay-at-home Mum to avoid being Murdered or Banished like Gyton Grantley because of his former profession as an Actor. At first, she was also not aware who the Traitors were, like many other Faithfuls, and only voted for Ash Pollard due to following the majority of the group. After Annabel Fidler's Banishment and Luke Toki's Murder, she pieced together the puzzle and realized that Sam McGlone and Blake Willoughby were the Traitors. Before she could try convincing the Faithfuls to banish them, the Traitors decided to recruit her in order to take her to the end, which she accepted.

But Camille was aware from the moment the Traitors recruited her, it would only be a matter of time before they backstabbed her just like Ash. After succesfully voting out the remaining Faithfuls, prior to the Traitor's Dilemma, she knew Sam would always write Steal and Blake would also likely write Steal as well. While thinking that Blake and Sam believed she would write Share because she was perceived to be a team player, Camille decided that, as revenge on behalf of the Faithfuls, since she can't win, nobody will. And in arguably the most shocking move of the season, the former Faithful also wrote Steal, meaning everyone walked away empty-handed, including herself, and finished the game as a Finalist along with Blake and Sam.


Retrieved from 10 play:

Going in as a Japanese Tour Guide, nobody will expect Camille to reveal she was also a Federal Agent for over 17 years working in drug importations, fraud, money laundering, people smuggling and personal protection.

And while she was a Tour Guide and speaks Japanese fluently, Camille plans to use her undercover skills to help find the Traitors. Since retiring, she is now a stay-at-home mum and says her life has changed dramatically from her time as an agent saying, “My life now looks like a busy mum of three kids, school lunches, pick-ups, drop offs, walking the dog, picking up dog poo.”

Camille says her experience of different lives will hopefully help her get further in the game, feeling that she will have the observational skills from being a cop and the fun from being a mum. She also says if she gets all the way and wins the silver, she plans to buy a campervan to take her kids on trips around Australia.[1]


Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Finalist: Episode 9
Traitors' Decision N.A.
Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Survived Accepted Recruitment Murder Hannah N.A.
Armoury Visit/Shield Mission No N.A.
Yes No No No No Lost N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Corinne Gyton Ash Sarah Annabel Sam Keith Gloria Liam Sarah Steal
Voted With Group? Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Votes Received - - Sarah - - - - - - - N.A.




  1. Camille | 10 play — August 6, 2023
The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2 Contestants
AU2 Anjelica Whitelaw Icon
AU2 Annabel Fidler Icon
AU2 Ash Pollard Icon
AU2 Blake Willoughby Icon
AU2 Camille Chicheportiche Icon
AU2 Corinne Martell Icon
AU2 Elias Nohra Icon
AU2 Gloria Rono Icon
AU2 Gyton Grantley Icon
AU2 Hannah Ferrier Icon
AU2 Ian Zaro Icon
AU2 Keith Banks Icon
AU2 Liam Davern Icon
AU2 Luke Toki Icon
AU2 Paeden Bennetts Icon
AU2 Paul de Gelder Icon
AU2 Roha Taiapa Icon
AU2 Sam McGlone Icon
AU2 Sarah Short Icon
AU2 Simone Williams Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful