The Traitors Wiki

Blake Willoughby is an Original Traitor and the runner-up of The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2, along with Camille Chicheportiche and Sam McGlone.


Retrieved from 10 play:

Blake is hoping his happy-go-lucky personality and addiction to board games will work in his favour to take on The Traitors. He says, “I think my cheeky, double-dimpled smile and witty repartee has got me here and hopefully I can strategise and play the game to the fullest that gets me to the end.

A beer salesman from Victoria, Blake would love to win the silver to look after his mum who was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease saying, “In the past, my Mum would enjoy coming along to live stand up shows that I’d be a part of and I know being on this would be something she’d enjoy watching. I’d love to make her proud.

While his goal is to support his family, the appeal of the tracksuits is also a key factor for Blake. Hoping to play a strong part in the challenges, Blake will be testing his problem solving and people skills to get to the end.[1]


Blake was a Original Traitor along with Ash Pollard and Sam McGlone, hoping to win the money for his mother who has Huntington's disease. As opposed to Sam's aggressive gameplay in throwing Ash under the bus, Blake's gameplay was more subtle and under-the-radar, which caused the Faithfuls to generally not suspect him of being a Traitor early on. However, Blake's emotional and dramatic reaction to Ian Zaro's Banishment, despite the fact that there was no friendship between them, made Annabel Fidler suspicious. Along with Luke Toki, she planned to target him instead of the more visible Sam at the Banishment. Through their plan failed that night due to Faithful Simone Williams feeling closer to Blake than Annabel, Sam considered potentially joining Annabel and Luke in the vote against Blake, causing a confrontation and showing cracks in the Traitor alliance.

Even though Sam warned Blake by telling him that he could be the next target, Blake went ahead to target Sam by trying to rallying the Faithfuls to Banish him, including hinting to Camille Chicheportiche that Sam was a Traitor. Even though Sam once again managed to divert suspicion onto Simone instead, Blake and Camille's decision to wrote Sam's name down prompted Sam to offer Blake war or peace: either they would declare war and try to Banish each other until only one remained, or Blake would be forced to Recruit a Faithful - Camille - to make sure all the Traitors made the end of the game. Blake ultimately decided to Recruit Camille. Together, the remaining trio managed to escape Banishment, successfully Murdering and Banishing all the remaining Faithfuls, leaving themselves to participated in the Traitors' Dilemma. Clocking that Sam would write Steal after playing with him the whole game, Blake also chose Steal, hoping to get half of the AU$208,000 they earned in the game. However, Camille's decision to also write Steal resulted in no one getting the silver bars, with an emotionally distraught Blake leaving the game as a Finalist along with Camille and Sam.

Game History[]

Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Finalist: Episode 9
Traitors' Decision Chosen with Ash & Sam Murder Anjelica Murder Elias Murder Paeden Murder Paul Murder Roha Murder Luke Recruit Camille
Murder Hannah N.A.
Armoury Visit/Shield Mission Yes N.A.
No No No Won Shield No Lost N.A.
Banishment Vote No Vote
Corinne Gyton Ash Liam Annabel Sam Keith Gloria Liam Sarah Steal
Voted With Group? Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Votes Received - - - - Gloria - Gloria - - - N.A.




  1. Blake | 10 play — August 6, 2023
The Traitors (Australia)/Season 2 Contestants
AU2 Anjelica Whitelaw Icon
AU2 Annabel Fidler Icon
AU2 Ash Pollard Icon
AU2 Blake Willoughby Icon
AU2 Camille Chicheportiche Icon
AU2 Corinne Martell Icon
AU2 Elias Nohra Icon
AU2 Gloria Rono Icon
AU2 Gyton Grantley Icon
AU2 Hannah Ferrier Icon
AU2 Ian Zaro Icon
AU2 Keith Banks Icon
AU2 Liam Davern Icon
AU2 Luke Toki Icon
AU2 Paeden Bennetts Icon
AU2 Paul de Gelder Icon
AU2 Roha Taiapa Icon
AU2 Sam McGlone Icon
AU2 Sarah Short Icon
AU2 Simone Williams Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful