The Traitors Wiki

Armani Gouveia is an Original Traitor in The Traitors (UK)/Series 3.


Retrieved from BBC:

Age: 27
Occupation: Financial Investigator
Location: London

Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
I'd seen the show, and I really did like it. I'm very much into problem solving games, all that kind of stuff. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. I might as well just go for it and see what happens.

What do you think you'll bring to the game?
I don’t want to sound vain, but I'm pretty good at most things I put my mind to. I've got a law background, I’ve worked as a financial investigator, and what I've been doing for the past five years involves being analytical. Day to day and in my job, I try to see whether someone has done something wrong, and I try to investigate it and discover what needs to be put right. I like to help people, I like to do things in a team, I've always been that way inclined. The Traitor side of it sounds like a really fun game. You've got to try to see what you can do to make other people follow your game plan. So, it's just a really interesting concept.

I know I'll be good at the activities, I'm pretty good at most physical challenges, I love riddles and all those kinds of things. I'm quite a people person and I am a bit of an all-rounder. I can see myself being a good member of the team.

What did you think of the previous series? Was there anyone’s game plan you admired?
I re-watched the first two series when I found out I was going to be on! The number one word that comes to my mind is intense. Emotions are high. Maybe it's because I'm looking from the outside in, but when I watch it, I just think you are all playing the game wrong! It’s not a personality competition and I refuse to trust anyone. I think the best Traitor of all time is Harry. I think he just played it so smartly. He eased and schemed his way through, not drawing too much attention to himself. When he did get questioned, he was like, ‘it's impossible’ or ‘it can't be me’. I've always thought that was brilliant.

I think Faithfuls need to be a little bit more strategic. And I think that's something I could probably bring into it.

Do you have a game plan?
Absolutely. I have thought about this for the last couple of months. I will be planting seeds everywhere I go. You need to strike a fine balance between oversharing and then not sharing enough. People get voted out at the Round Table or get killed off that are too quiet and equally for being too loud.

What are you like playing with family or friends? Are you competitive?
I am very competitive. I would love to say that I am not a sore loser, but I don't know if that’s true. I really love to win, and I hate being bad at things. I'm pretty good at most things I put my mind to, but there are obviously a few things that aren’t my strong point, and there's no worse feeling than that. When it comes to games I just want to win, so coming into the Traitors I’m wanting to win, I want that money.

Do you think you’ll be good at the Missions? What strengths do you think you might bring to them?
I'll enjoy anything that’s a puzzle as I’m very analytical. When it comes to sport it's not my strong suit. I've got quite good physical strength, but I hate running and things like that.

If you were a Traitor, how do you think you'd feel?
Fantastic. I'm not really stressed either way, but I just feel like as a Traitor it’s a completely different game. There’s the sense of security that you're not going to get killed off at night-time, but then there’s the fact that you've got to lie for the whole game, essentially to the people that you start to build relationships with. I'm not going to take it to heart if someone betrays me, I’d do the same. If I got killed off as a Faithful, for example, I would just be like, what a shame, but it is what it is.

Would you say you’ve got a good poker face?
I'm a very honest person which is why I'm a very good liar. I don't see the point of lying but It's very easy for me to lie, because I rarely do. When I have lied I’ve gotten away with it because you wouldn't even think to think that I'm lying. My poker face is a ten out of ten.

If you are a Traitor, how far are you prepared to go to win the game?
There's barely anything I wouldn’t do. Realistically, if it doesn't go against my morals, I think I'm cool.

If you're a Faithful, what do you think your game plan would be?
Honesty is the best policy. I'm going do my best in the Missions, I'm going to try to win people over and just go with the flow. You've got to be strategic, no matter how you look at it. At the end of the day, I want to win. So, if there are people that I think are weaker links, I'll be planting those seeds of doubt. I don't think I necessarily want to go as far as to say, ‘I think this person is a Traitor or not.’ Because at the end of the day, especially from watching the show in the past, people get it wrong 90% of the time. I'll say what I think is necessary, but I will not be the loudest person in the room, which might be a little bit difficult for me. I keep telling myself not to be the loudest and not to be the centre of attention.

How good are you at spotting a liar?
I feel like I've got great intuition. I don't judge people straight away and I don't really believe in first impressions. I wait and see how they interact with other people, I'm always listening to everyone else's conversations, whether they know it or not. I am a fly on the wall as much as I can be. I think because of that, it allows me most of the time to see what people are about.

If you win the prize money, what do you think you'll spend it on?
I’m going to be an adult and realistic, I've got debts to pay off. Number one, law school was not free, and my family is not rich, so that's got to get paid off.

I’m in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend right now and we're coming up to the two-year mark. We want to get married and want to have the whole shebang. He’s from France so he’d have to get a visa which is so expensive, so that’s on the list. Hopefully a wedding and a down payment on a house, that will be fantastic. It's very much of the basics of life and everything else, I would really like to try to put some into savings because I want to think forward, be smart, and then treat my family to something somehow.[1]


Armani was the ringleader unofficially during the sisterhood in The Traitors conclave for the first two episodes. However, her outspoken personality had a strong influence over people within the group's confidence in her role sealed her fate as suspicion arose from her behaviour and her sister, Maia believing she was a traitor, which ultimately leads to her downfall and makes her the first traitor to be banished from the castle.

Game History[]

Episode 1 1-2 2 3 Banished: Episode 3
Traitors' Decision Chosen with Linda & Minah Murder Yin Murder Keith N.A.
Shield Wins N.A.
Won Shield
Banishment Vote No Vote
Nathan Charlotte Charlotte
Voted With Group? Yes No No
Votes Received - - Alex, Dan, Freddie, Jake, Leanne, Leon, Livi, Minah & Tyler




The Traitors (UK)/Series 3 Contestants
UK3 Alex Oleksy Icon
UK3 Alexander Dragonetti Icon
UK3 Anna Duke Icon
UK3 Armani Gouveia Icon
UK3 Charlotte Berman Icon
UK3 Dan Bird Icon
UK3 Elen Wyn Icon
UK3 Fozia Fazil Icon
UK3 Francesca Rowan-Plowden Icon
UK3 Freddie Fraser Icon
UK3 Jack Marriner-Brown Icon
UK3 Jake Brown Icon
UK3 Joe Scott Icon
UK3 Kasim Ahmed Icon
UK3 Keith Stewart Icon
UK3 Leanne Quigley Icon
UK3 Leon Jackman Icon
UK3 Linda Rands Icon
UK3 Lisa Coupland Icon
UK3 Livi Deane Icon
UK3 Maia Gouveia Icon
UK3 Minah Shannon Icon
UK3 Nathan Khider Icon
UK3 Tyler Smith Icon
UK3 Yin Lü Icon
Banished Traitor
Banished Faithful